Paid ads on easy mode

Running Paid Ads?

Best Performing Landing Pages Get 8% Visitor To Lead Conversion. With Leadpipe You Get At Least 40%

Get My 50 Free Leads

Get Eight Times Better ROI Without Changing Anything.

If any of the following sounds good to you, you need a Leadpipe.
Free Retargeting
Personalized Follow-Up
Competitive Advantage
Decreased Cost Per Click
Targeted Marketing
Streamlined Sales Process
Visitor Name & Emails
Better ROI on Ad Spend
Higher Quality Leads

TOFU to BOFU with same ads spent

Welcome to the new reality of marketing, where your audience has an attention span shorter than  goldfish. Surprising? It's true.


Joe visits your store without purchasing

Average landing page conversion rate is 3%. Cold traffic is not ready to buy, that's where the power of retargeting ads resides.


LeadPipe provides you with his email and more

Save thousands of dollars on retargeting ads. Use email campaigns instead. No need of forms or lead magnets.


You reach out and turn Joe into a loyal customer

We teach you how to approach them in a friendly non-intrusive way to turn them into buyers.

Scalable And  Predictable Like Ads
Cheap Like Email

Never miss an opportunity with Leadpipe. Get the highest intent, instant leads, without spending on retargeting and finding decision-makers. Capture, connect, convert.

/Meta Ads
Avg Lead Price
Buyer Intent
Very High
Extra Resources Needed
Ad management
Validation + volume
Verified & automated
Data Freshness
Very High
Lead Quality
Ease of Use
Very Easy
Lead Generation Speed
Get 50 ID's For Free
*No credit card required

Ad platforms hide information to make you spend more

Google and Meta conceal data to drive higher spending, retaining the information of your potential customers for continuous investment in their ad platforms. LeadPipe democratizes this data, ensuring you regain ownership of what rightfully belongs to your potential customers and you.

"With Leadpipe, I've been stealing market share from my competitors for the last 6 months. While they're burning money on ads, I'm achieving an 18x ROAS."

Tony P - Founder of HOFF Brand

"Digital ads had become so expensive that the market needed a solution. LeadPipe is that solution."

Andrew G - Founder of Gear3

We’re faster and can certainly do a lot more at scale. Our automation has been light years from where it was even just two or three years ago.

Greg Shell -
Canadian Tire

Only 3% of visitors purchase. We provide you with the emails of the other 97%

There's only a small portion of website visitors who make a purchase. To reconnect with them, you'd typically have to invest in expensive retargeting ads. However, our technology provides you with their names, email address, time spent per page, and more of your unknown visitors.

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Midbound marketing is scalable and predictable like ads, and cheap like email

Paid ads offer the most scalable and predictable customer acquisition for an eCommerce company, while email marketing remains the most cost-effective. With LeadPipe, you get the best of both worlds.

"LeadPipe is revolutionary—it's the tool that makes free retargeting possible."

Christopher H - CEO at Intact
How many times do you have to buy the same data through retargeting ads?

How many times must you repeatedly purchase the same data (retargeting ads) to connect with your potential customers? It doesn't make sense. With LeadPipe, you make a single ad purchase, and the data you acquire is yours.

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No cc required. Commitment free trial.